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The role of science related to the government and the society

How does neoclassical economies relate to the system of representative democracy and the need for decision makers to have clear evidence that their policies are efficient?

“Sustainability economics” or “economics for a sustainable society”?

i. e. look at ideas of sustainable societies, local economies, changes in the money system and in the theory about them, rather than treaty and economy as separate from the rest of the world

How can we promote critical thinking not just in academia, but also public spaces?

How can we model a pluralistic approach in our attempts to conceptualize sustainable economics and related changes in and behaviour? How could it be inclusive but also strong in shared principles and objectives in order to make strong contribution to the paradigm shift toward sustainability?


How to deal with individuality versus individualism?

What is the difference between deliberative and representative democracy?

How to understand and to communicate different levels of legitimacy?

What kind of institutions (at different scales) do we need for implementing the alternative economic? Global responses and local responses – how to coordinate them?


What about value and valuation in a public goods perspective?

How can we measure the value of, or speak about in a way appropriate to policy makers, culture?

In what ways can we conceptualize growth/progress/development so that the complexity of the issue is highlighted?

What would be the social consequences of a steady state economy?

How to operationalize the notion of democracy when dealing with the issue of the distribution of (government, corporation, etc.)?

How do we deal with the issue of power (power inequalities in today’s world) in the transition process?

How do we set sustainability targets?


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